Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blog Alpha

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my new blog. As most of you have probably figured out by the name and information on my blog, this blog is about defending liberty and trying to discover answers to todays hot issues. I feel that we all have to do our part, whether by finding out what is going on, by having discussions with others, by supporting worthy causes, by writing, or by just simply voting for the right candidate at election time.

It's easy to feel miserably overwhelmed by what's going on out there. We live in a world engulfed in turmoil, crisis, and complicity. It can be very easy to ignore it and try to shut it out, but then nothing would change.

What's more, things would get worse. Sooner or later we will be affected by what goes on around us. It could be our freedom to say what we feel like saying, it could be at tax time, or it could be our lives.

Let me give an example. Lets say that at election time a whole load of people start lobbying the government to pay for post-secondary tuition. It just so happens that the political party that promises this gets elected and starts to pay for all post-secondary tuition fees.

Ok. So what? How does this affect me in any way? Politics is just something far away in the outfield. In fact if I'm a student this could be awesome. Here's there's the problem. Somebody is going to have to pay for this. That someone is going to be the taxpayers. That means you and a heck of a lot of other people are going to be funding this big spending spree and you won't be getting a thank you care in the mail.

It was once said that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies to politics and world affairs in a profound way. From the milk we drink to the taxes we pay, we're already affected. It's time to get involved. It's time to band together. It's time to change our world for the better!

P.S. If anyone would like to write here on anything they feel is relevant. Please contact me.

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